Mik Reid is making his second appearance on the B stage, as Sharpe in this month’s production of Equivocation. Mik is a veteran performer, who has recently returned to theatre after a bit of a hiatus.
TB: Tell us a little bit about yourself.
MR: I grew up in North Dakota and moved to Fargo to study Theatre and Music Education at MSUM. I gravitated towards performance outside of university and had some great experiences in the area. Ultimately, I graduated from NDSU with a degree in Psychology, minoring in both Neuroscience and Music and focusing on music cognition. Right now I’m fortunate to work in a sales position that allows me to perform in my free time.
TB: How did you first get involved with theatre?
MR: Well, in high school I was always looking to try new things and I fell into theater after performing in productions of Oklahoma and The Diviners. It was a great way to meet new people, discover myself, and investigate the human condition. These reasons still draw me to the theater today.
TB: Going from performing arts to neuropsychology seems like a big transition!
MR: I guess I wouldn’t say that’s true. I see them as two sides to the same coin. For a long time I studied behavior from the inside-out, recreating my internal experiences and observations onstage. After a while I became more curious about understanding the world empirically from the outside-in. To me, cognitive neuroscience is just another way of studying human experience.

Jacob Hartje, Mik Reid, and Missy Teeters in ‘Equivocation.’ Photo courtesy of Kensie Wallner Photography.
TB: You took a bit of a break from performing. What convinced you to get back on stage?
MR: I had realized that to continue doing theatre I would need to spend some time focusing on my education and career. It took a few years to get to a comfortable place, but I now I am able to devote some of my leisure time to performing. Last summer when The Theater Lab approached me about participating in a production of Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story in a residential garage, I was a bit hesitant. I wasn’t sure if I had lost any of the skills I developed previously, but once I was back in rehearsals everything started to click. Telling a relevant and meaningful story to an audience again was thrilling, and it felt like putting on an old shoe. That experience really motivated me to find other ways to perform in the area.
TB: What type of roles do you look for?
MR: While I’ve performed in a few meaningful musicals, like Cabaret, I often find straight plays deeper and more incisive. I’m most excited by contemporary settings with characters and stories that are relatable and relevant to the audience. I enjoy inspiring people to consider another point of view and reexamine their opinions and beliefs.
TB: Do you have a favorite production, role, or experience?
MR: One of my most rewarding experiences so far was playing Jake in Straight White Men. After reading the script, I told myself I would forever regret not being a part of this production if I didn’t audition. There are so many truths being told from drastically different perspectives, and it’s fascinating to see the characters’ worlds collide. Immediately after rehearsals started, I realized Theatre B was the sort of place I wanted to be. We supported each other in diving headfirst into exploring the characters and allowed the show to grow organically from that. I felt ‘privileged’ to work with such a dedicated, professional, and welcoming cast and crew to tell a compelling story.

Michael Sunram, Taylor Schatz, and Mik Reid in ‘Straight White Men.’ Photo Courtesy of Kensie Wallner Photography.
TB: What have you enjoyed most about working with Theatre B?
MR: First and foremost, the collaborative atmosphere. Theatre B truly is a ‘cooperative venture’. They treat everyone as equals and value the sharing of ideas in the rehearsal room. Also, seeing everyone so open, accepting, professional, and hardworking fosters respect and drives me to give my best each day. Finally, they never fail to choose outstanding, challenging, and meaningful pieces to produce.
TB: What do you do in your free time?
MR: Cycling is a great way for me to get outside when it’s warm, and I can often be found biking around town or along country roads. I also enjoy playing billiards or guitar from time to time. It is known that I’m a dedicated Game of Thrones fanatic, as well.
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