701-729-8880 | 215 N 10th St, Moorhead, MN 56560 info@theatreb.org



It’s the theme for Theatre B’s 24-25 season. Each one of the four scripts already selected for the ‘24-’25 season has rediscovery at its center.

  • Rediscover a Jane Austen classic—where are our Bridgerton fans?

  • Witness a father and an adult daughter as they rediscover each other in a moment which could either divide them or draw them closer.

  • Rediscover the power of a family legend, as the Nowaks learn the story behind the remarkable statue built by the family patriarch.

  • And in the first production of the season, award-winning playwright Heidi Schreck takes us on a wild ride of rediscovering this/our nation’s Constitution.

  • Rediscover Halloween and theatre, itself, with our Halloween original and adaptive theatre collaboration with Hope Inc. and Concordia College (title TBD).

Purchase Season Tickets below (early bird discounts until Oct. 20):


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