701-729-8880 | 215 N 10th St, Moorhead, MN 56560 info@theatreb.org



Theatre B prides itself on creating work of high artistic integrity with a blend of “displaced professionals” and “emerging artists.”  Open auditions are held throughout the season for specific projects.  If you are interested in honing your craft with the support of a dedicated ensemble, acting at Theatre B may be the right creative environment for you.

For audition information, go to the Audition Page

If you want to make sure that you never miss our newsletters and e-blasts, please send us an email at info@theatreb.org 


Are you a creative problem solver? Theatre B is always looking for directors, designers, stage managers, and technicians who like the challenges of new work and intimate space. If you are interested in working on a show at Theatre B, please email your inquiry with a resume to: info@theatreb.org.

Positions are still open for our 2024-2025 season.


An internship at Theatre B is an opportunity to work with a team to provide essential support for the mission, vision, and values of a non-profit theatre company. During your time with Theatre B, you will work in multiple areas of the organization, often taking the lead in an area that fits your interests and skills.

Internships are flexible; please inquire with any questions by sending an email to info@theatreb.org

Duties include but are not limited to the following:

Audience Development, Fundraising, Marketing, Graphic Design, and Nonprofit Management


There are many ways to support Theatre B with your time and talents. Good with shop tools? Come to a Saturday work call. Want to throw a party? Help with event planning. Like to greet people? Usher. Please email info@theatreb.org and let us know how you’d like to help.