by Monika Browne-Ecker | May 6, 2019 | Cry It Out, Ensemble, News, Season 16
An Interview With Missy Teeters Adrienne, Cry It Out Three new moms from different backgrounds bond over parenting babies. Simple? Friendship, marriage, careers are anything but simple in Cry It Out, a comedy with dark edges. Cry It Out takes an honest look at the...
by Monika Browne-Ecker | May 2, 2019 | Guest Artists, Interns, News, Season 16, Uncategorized
What does it take to keep a small, not-for-profit theatre running? After four months of being in and around Theatre B’s office, meetings, and productions I’m only slightly closer to an answer. I’ll start with the obvious and work my way to things that may not be as...
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