2013 has been quite the year for us at Theatre B, with big successes, challenges, and opportunities. So it’s time for that grand tradition, the Year in Review.
We started our year grieving the untimely loss of an exceptional artist and friend, Ensemble Member Matthew Burkholder.
Emily wrote a very nice piece about Matthew that lead into Giving Hearts Day in February.
Rehearsals for ‘Sweet Nothing: A (Grim) Fairy Tale’ started. Our very first Incubator play, ‘Sweet Nothing’ was written by native Fargoan Stephanie Timm and featured a great mix of constant and new guest-artists.
‘Sweet Nothing: A (Grim) Fairy Tale‘ played for the month of February.
We participated in Giving Hearts Day, a community day of giving organized by the Impact Foundation. Thanks to Emily Clemenson and Mike Ruth, several videos featured stories about our founding, our community collaborations, the BEAT program, our ensemble, and our impact. We raised over twice our goal on February 14th.
March started with hosting another ‘Music For Hope‘ and Emily, our production manager, made a time-lapse of the concert.
We announced our BEAT show, Charles Mee’s ‘Big Love‘.
Rehearsals for ‘God of Carnage’ started and our talented scenic artist, Jack Golden, taught us what it takes to make a (fake) hardwood floor.
‘God of Carnage’ opened and Tierney talked about the challenge of acting older while Doug talked about the opposite.
We announced the line-up for our 11th season.
We found out that 716 Main, our home since 2005, was for sale. We thought about buying the building, but decided it would not serve our needs long enough to recoup the investment. So we opted for a 2 year lease with a new landlord, Don Goldammer, while we consider different options for a new home.
When David Wintersteen and Brad Delzer were accepted into the SITI Company summer training intensive, we announced that the BEAT program would be on hiatus for the summer.
We hired Brad Delzer as Program Coordinator, giving us two(!) three-quarter time employees.
Ensemble Members David Wintersteen and Brad Delzer attended the SITI Company’s Summer Theatre Intensive.
We participated in Corks and Canvas all summer.
David and Brad brought their learning home by offering their own intensive training class for two weeks in July, hosted at NDSU.
We held our 5th annual Season Preview and Annual Meeting event at the new Dakota Medical Foundation building and welcomed Christine Hoper to our Board of Directors.
David MacGregor came to Fargo for the first time. Thanks to the 8th Street Studio Co-op, we held a fantastic week of workshops developing ‘Scrooge Macbeth.’
Rehearsals for ‘Red’ went underway, with some great help from The Rourke and their staff of incredible artists.
Ensemble Member Stacy Harfield moved to Minneapolis.
We brought the work of Mark Rothko to life in ‘Red’, which featured the wife-husband team of Lori and Hardy Koenig, and an incredible set by Gabe Gomez.
We announced a partnership with NDSU to bring the BEAT program into North Dakota’s Governor’s School.
There was a meeting about revitalizing downtown Moorhead, and suddenly everyone wanted to know if Theatre B was considering moving. This notion quickly drew lots of attention.
David MacGregor visited for a second time and made the rounds with the local media. And we got to watch his new movie of ‘Vino Veritas,’ a Theatre B favorite.
Ensemble Member Emily Clemenson moved to St. Louis, which is even further away than Minneapolis.
‘Scrooge Macbeth’ opened and quickly became one of our best-selling productions ever. We got to know guest artists Anna Peiri and Mary Cochran. And David MacGregor returned for the opening of his World Premiere.
We partnered with The Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre for a performance training intensive.
We held auditions for ‘Gruesome Playground Injuries,’ and welcomed Shea Hittman, Colin Holter and Jack Golden to the production team. We finalized our next season and firmed up several exciting collaborations for the upcoming year. But we’re not telling yet.
All told, it’s been an incredible year. Here’s to 2014!
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